Whether your firm is contractually obligated to provide outplacement services to a departing employee or shareholder, or you just believe that it’s the right thing to do after years of loyal service, we can help.

Customized, results-driven outplacement services soften the blow of necessary staffing reductions and reduce risk of litigation. Helping separated employees focus on their future career opportunities can also enhance your firm’s reputation, instead of eroding the significant time and money you’ve spent in building your brand and attracting top talent.

As an A/E/C industry-focused firm, we offer guidance and high-level contacts that are tailored to senior staff in this industry. And our clients pay only for the individual services that their outgoing employee needs, not a bloated fixed-fee contract. We also work confidentially with leaders and emerging leaders to develop a strategic search for their next opportunity.

  • Career Coaching
  • Resume Review and Guidance
  • Coaching in Outreach, Networking and Follow-up
  • Lead Assistance and Outreach
  • Interview Coaching
  • Salary Benchmarking
  • Offer Evaluation
  • Negotiation/Counteroffer Strategy